Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fumbling Around Tumbler.

I want to post here more but I find it hard to come up with interesting things to post about..... so I'm going to post other peoples work..




Tuesday, October 23, 2012

When I think "Motorcycle"

This is what comes to my mind when I hear the work Motorcycle, Simple, Regal, and Sexy.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What I've been doing with myself

Alright, its been long enough that I should make another go at updating my blog.
I've been sick for the past two days with a sinus infection and I did not help by working in a poorly ventilated workshop.  So my imaginary readers you might be asking "What have you been doing?!!" well I can say with some pleasure that I've been making designing and working on a lot of different projects.

 I started working on a Garden to grow some basic foods I could eat at my new home.

The Garden is made up of two beds side by with with about a foot of walking space in between each other.

I planted some Apple Mint  along with some flowers in the supporting bricks to bring in some bugs that I would want to help fight off the bugs I didn't want.

My Garden grew rather quickly and I was left with a good number of jalapeno, tomato, carrots, okra (Thank you Emily), & and a guets Cantaloupe vine (just popped up out of the Æther)

I also made this little jewel, a project I need to get back to as its gone ignored for a few months now.  This is a Copper Condenser used for science'y stuff... 

I also tried my hand at making a a reagent kit, I was very successful at this.

  I also made some more rings!  a completely new method of doing it too, I made a plaster cast and melted down of lead free solder into it.
I have 11g of raw silver that I plan on using to make a real ring soon.

I also have been to another burn or two!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A feed of nice things.

Brown Dress With White Dots (Tumbler Feed)

This photo is thanks to a rather low profile feed I follow Called 'Brown Dress With White Bots, it features simple one photo posts that are examples of some fantastic design and aesthetic.

A Great way to get inspired or just spend some time looking at nice things.