Wednesday, April 30, 2014

depraved-heart-murder: appropriately-inappropriate: dykeprivile...








*starts a fire in my kitchen*

*starts fire in my bedroom*

Omfg. Um. Hello there.

*Starts a fire in my pants!!!*

*gets trapped in lift*

The best part is that there’s a fairly decent chance, given the background of the photo (dry wilderness and scrub brush) that the firefighter in this picture is a Hotshot—

And Hotshots, along with Smoke-Jumpers, are sort of like… Okay. If firefighters are rockstars, Hot-Shots are Queen and Smoke-Jumpers are whatever Tony Stark uses to rev himself up for badassery.

Hotshots are elite firefighters who train extensively and are inserted into high-risk terrain in order to fight the fire on the ground.

In layman’s terms—if there’s a forest fire threatening your house, the hotshots are the dudes digging the fire trenches while whirling beams of fire snap give feet from them.

And then, then, there’s the Smoke-Jumpers. As their name implies, they jump smoke.

In layman’s terms—the fires the hotshots can’t reach by land? Those crazy fuckera PARACHUTE into forest fires.

Because jumping out of a plane isn’t scary enough, they do it in near-zero visibility, through scorching smoke, with the risk that the thermals and currents could blow them right into a burning tree, to pick a landing spot so they can then be in remote backwoods wilderness with minimal hope of rescue if something goes tits up.

So yeah. If this lady’s an urban firefighter she’s a huge badass. But if my guess is right and she’s a more elite unit, then I want to have her gay babies like, yesterday.



Reposted via eat candy drink coffee

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