1 horsepower approximates the sustained work output of a horse
A healthy human can sustain about 0.1 hp indefinitely which is 74.5 watts
1 horsepower is the sustained effort of ten people
1 horse power = 745.6 watts = 33000 ft-lb/min
The average american uses 13,250 kWh/year in electricity
Which is 36 kwh/day
Which is 1512 watts constant
US average per person electrical energy is like 20 human slaves 24 hours per day
60 human slaves on 8 hour shifts 7 days a week
The average american uses 98400 kWh/year in total energy. This includes transportation and heating.
This is 7.4 times the electricity amount.
US average per person total energy is like 150 human slaves 24 hours per day
450 human slaves on 8 hour shifts 7 days a week
The US has about 144 billion human energy slaves on 8 hour shifts 7 days a week
In 2012, the IEA estimated that the world energy consumption was 155,505 terawatt-hour (TWh).
This works out to 17.7 TW.
This is about 237 billion human equivalent energy slaves working 24 hours per day
World energy is 711 billion human equivalent energy slaves on 8 hour shifts 7 days a week
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Reposted via Next Big Future
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