Friday, May 20, 2011

Intellectual Ventures Lab & Climate Control Systems.

A proposed system to control the effects of global warming by Intellectual Ventures Lab. Our planet is getting warmer this is a fact that is ringing true on both sides of the "global warming" argument and its either us or just us leaving a ice age at this point it doesn't really matter.  We have come to enjoy our cool wet springs and we don't want to see them turn into hot springs that phase into burning hot summers.
Lets start being honest no one is making this device nor did they plan to, then why write this paper on how to do it and its effects?  because we need to start looking at the problems that we might be causing and seeing if we can find a solution to them.  If we wait to find out that "oh wait it was us" its going to be too late.

"What is the StratoShield?
The StratoShield is one possible way to respond to a climate 
emergency in which greenhouse warming becomes intolerable. The StratoShield would reverse greenhouse warming by slightly reducing the amount of solar radiation that hits the Earth. The shield does this by increasing the amount of sulfur aerosols injected into the stratosphere by about 1%, a process that happens naturally whenever volcanoes erupt. The aerosols reflect incoming sunlight back into space. Although the change in sunlight would be imperceptible to human eyes—and probably beneficial for plants—it would have a substantial cooling effect for the part of the Earth under the shield"

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