Sunday, January 29, 2017

Private Communication On The Clearnet

N-O-D-E shared this video on Youtube!

Even when we think we’re communicating in private, whether by email, text messages, private messages on social media etc, the fact is that a bunch of 3rd parties, like tech companies, governments, ISPs and advertisers, all see that data too. And it’s not just that they can see it, they’re actively collecting and analyzing all of it.

One of the downsides of encrypting messages and emails to combat this, is that since so few people are doing that, you will stick out like a sore thumb to anyone who is monitoring the data, and probably will receive closer scrutiny. For example, it’d be pretty easy to filter out all messages that contain PGP headers.

What if we could still encrypt the data, but make it look like ordinary plain text, made up of dictionary words? If it was done in a dynamic way, so it was different for every person, it would be hard to detect using passive data mining techniques. That would allow us to use existing services like gmail, twitter, facebook, reddit etc on the clearnet, while still protecting our message content.

See more!

Reposted via adafruit industries blog

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